Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Imperfection: The Concept of the Corporation Chapter 3

Imperfection. Drucker is talking about the need to understand the importance of the imperfect nature of society while supporting its goals. He has an interesting phrase. “Nothing is more contemptible than the sum resignation to the inevitable imperfections of society which in all ages has characterized the Philistines. (So long as the Philistines are a literary society, the provides a metaphor for a certain type of action, his insight is fine. Should there be a Philistine Anti-defamation organization, then he is in trouble.)

He writes about American society as dualist, as both pragmatic and realistic, but he is really talking about hope. We are best when we are a hopeful people, when we expect good, when we see the thing with feathers that hovers in the air, when we know that it has a substance.

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